关于「 su7」的内容列表

Xiaomi Auto: From 10:00 on March 2, Xiaomi SU7 Ultra will be delivered nationwide one after another.

Xiaomi Auto: From 10:00 on March 2, Xiaomi SU7 Ultra will be delivered nationwide one after another.

2025-02-28 10:26:42


2025-02-28 10:26:42
On February 1st, Xiaomi Auto: In January 2025, the delivery of Xiaomi SU7 exceeded 20,000 units again. At present, the delivery volume has exceeded 20,000 for 4 consecutive months, and the delivery target for the whole year of 2025 is 300,000 units.

On February 1st, Xiaomi Auto: In January 2025, the delivery of Xiaomi SU7 exceeded 20,000 units again. At present, the delivery volume has exceeded 20,000 for 4 consecutive months, and the delivery target for the whole year of 2025 is 300,000 units.

2025-02-01 02:13:50


2025-02-01 02:13:50
Xiaomi Auto: Xiaomi SU7 annual delivery has exceeded 130,000 to complete all annual targets ahead of schedule

On December 28th, according to Xiaomi Auto News, as of now, the delivery volume of Xiaomi SU7 has exceeded 130,000, and all targets for the year have been completed ahead of schedule. In the new year, Xiaomi Auto Factory will continue to increase production and accelerate delivery.

2024-12-28 02:12:15
小米汽车:小米SU7全年交付量已超过13万 提前完成全年所有目标


2024-12-28 02:12:15
Xiaomi announced the price of Xiaomi SU7 Ultra, the pre-sale price is 814,900 yuan.

Xiaomi announced the price of Xiaomi SU7 Ultra, the pre-sale price is 814,900 yuan.

2024-10-29 14:16:26
小米公布小米SU7 Ultra定价,预售价81.49万元。

小米公布小米SU7 Ultra定价,预售价81.49万元。

2024-10-29 14:16:26
Xiaomi Auto: Xiaomi SU7 deliveries exceeded 10,000 units in August

September 1st news, millet car news, in August 2024, millet SU7 delivery of more than 10000 units, has been 3 consecutive months to break the million delivery target, is expected to complete the annual delivery target of 100,000 units in November ahead of schedule.

2024-09-01 02:02:13


2024-09-01 02:02:13
1. More than 10,000 Xiaomi SU7 cars were delivered in July, and the full-year target is expected to be completed ahead of schedule in November. 2. The United States delays the implementation of electric vehicles in China...

1. Xiaomi SU7 cars delivered more than 10,000 units in July, and it is expected to complete the full-year target ahead of schedule in November. 2. The United States postponed the imposition of tariffs on products such as electric vehicles in China. 3. Musk confirmed that Tesla Model S Plaid Plus is no longer available, and Roadster will take over. 4. Uber and BYD reached a cooperation to introduce 100,000 electric vehicles to the Uber platform in multiple markets around the world. 5. Musk commen...

2024-08-01 06:34:54
1. 小米SU7汽车7月交付超10000辆,预计11月提前完成全年目标。2. 美国推迟对中国电动汽车...

1. 小米SU7汽车7月交付超10000辆,预计11月提前完成全年目标。2. 美国推迟对中国电动汽车等产品加征关税。3. 马斯克确认特斯拉Model S Plaid Plus不再有,Roadster接棒。4. 优步和比亚迪达成合作,将为全球多个市场优步平台引入10万辆电动车。5. 马斯克评比亚迪与Uber合作:比亚迪要“快点换道”,否则会有麻烦。6. 贾跃亭:比亚迪不是我们的竞争对手,FF第二市场主要在美国和其他国家。7. 广州拟立法支持自动驾驶出租车、公交车,推进全市人驾、智驾混合运行试点区建设。8. 我国充电桩总量超过1024万台,同比增长54%。9. 车辆存在缺陷,日本两车企拟召回超四万辆汽车。10. 极氪33个月累计交付30万台汽车,刷新纯电新势力最快纪录。11. 消息称前百度IDG汽车业务部总经理苏坦加入微软云,组建新汽车团队。12. 韩国电动汽车累计注册登记量破60万,每3辆中有2辆来自现代、起亚。

2024-08-01 06:34:54
1. Xiaomi Auto: SU7 deliveries exceeded 10,000 in June, and it is expected to continue to exceed 10,000 in July. 2. Tesla launched a 5-year 0-interest car purchase policy...

1. Xiaomi Auto: SU7 deliveries exceeded 10,000 units in June, and it is expected to continue to break 10,000 units in July. 2. Tesla launched a 5-year 0-interest car purchase policy, and the minimum daily payment for Model 3 was 85 yuan. 3. Passenger Union Branch: The new four-modernization index of passenger cars was 45.0 in May. 4. German Media: The claim that China's electric vehicles are dumping the European market at a low price is false. 5. Report: By 2030, the global market share of Chine...

2024-07-01 06:40:03
1. 小米汽车:6月SU7交付量超过10000辆,7月预计将持续破万。2. 特斯拉推出5年0息购车政策...

1. 小米汽车:6月SU7交付量超过10000辆,7月预计将持续破万。2. 特斯拉推出5年0息购车政策,Model 3最低日供85元。3. 乘联分会:5月乘用车新四化指数为45.0。4. 德媒:中国电动汽车低价倾销欧洲市场说法不实。5. 报告:到2030年,中国汽车品牌全球市占率将达33%。6. 理想汽车第600座超充站正式投入运营,预计年底将建成超2000座。7. 丰田计划2025年在中国推出搭载自动驾驶系统的电动汽车。8. 中国一汽与青岛市政府签署战略合作协议。9. 6月中国汽车经销商库存预警指数为62.3%,同比上升8.3个百分点。10. 一汽红旗今年上半年零售销量突破19万辆,同比增长25%。11. 北京:拟提出为自动驾驶汽车领域新技术、新场景、新产品、新模式应用设立监管沙盒。12. 乘联会崔东树:我国充电基础设施快速发展,5月全国公桩数达305万个、私桩数达992万个。

2024-07-01 06:40:03

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